Pictured, L-R: Chief Lending Officer Russ Kassin, Lucas Kassin, Carter Kassin, Kimberly Cook, Business Banker Dale Cook
The 2020 Reading Olympics is coming up and First National Bank & Trust is proud to be a supporter. Lucas and Carter represent the Iron Mountain School District and Kimberly Cook teaches at Florence Elementary School and helps facilitate the program for the Florence School District.
Reading Olympics is a reading competition offered to the surrounding school districts of Iron Mountain, Niagara, Kingsford, Norway, Florence, North Dickinson, Goodman, Pembine and North Central, with approximately 300 students participating. Students in grades 3-4, 5-6, and 7-8 compete on teams at the local school level. The winning teams from each of those grade levels move on to compete at the regional level against teams from all of the other schools. Winners from the regional competition receive an award and a trophy to take back to their school. To join a team, students must read 6 books from the provided list in a specific time period. Team members then combine to read the rest of the 25 titles and prepare for competition, where they must correctly answer questions about the books and the authors.
The competition kick-off will feature an opening ceremony complete with a parade of teams, team posters, and a pizza party to celebrate all the students have accomplished. This competition has been in our community for at least 20 years, promoting literacy and reading among our area youth. Opening ceremonies for all participants will be held Tuesday, March 3 at 4:00 pm at Niagara High School.