First National Bank & Trust employees recently organized a Pot Luck Fundraiser with the proceeds being donated to the Light At the Inn, a local winter emergency shelter. Bank employees at the main office were encouraged to bring a dish to pass and then make a donation to eat. One hundred twenty-five dollars was raised for the group.
Light at the Inn is a faith based group with rotating locations, providing evening meals to area homeless. Guests are admitted daily from 6:00-8:00 pm with daily transportation from the McDonalds & Super One parking areas around 5:30 pm, and returning around 7:00 am. Between now and March 3rd the shelter is located at St. Mary’s Church in Norway, followed by:
- Trinity United Methodist Church: March 3-10
- Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church: March 10-17
- Redemption Hill Church: March 17-24
- Bethany Lutheran/Grace Methodist Church in Norway: March 24-31
For more information about this group, please call 906 282-5860.