Steve Faust Retiring After 40 Years of Service at First National Bank & Trust
After a career spanning 40-years, First National Bank & Trust announces the retirement of Steve Faust. Since 2010, Steve has overseen lending functions at the bank in his role as Executive Vice President and Chief Lending Officer. He started his career at the bank in consumer lending in 1978. In 1985, he was promoted to…
6th Annual Iron Mountain Road & Trail Half Marathon and Mooch-athon Raises $18,000 for Dickinson County Cancer Loan Closet and Endowment Fund
Iron Mountain Road & Trail Half Marathon Committee members presenting 2017 Donation to the Loan Closet at First National Bank & Trust. From left to right: Nicole Lutz, Janet Anderson, Lisa Villringer (President/Race Director), Diane Schabo (Loan Closet President), Sandy Petroff, Matt Lutz (Treasurer) Iron Mountain Road & Trail Half Marathon Committee members presenting 2018…
First National Bank & Trust Names Barbara Cromell as Senior Accountant
First National Bank & Trust is pleased to announce the hire of Barbara Cromell as Senior Accountant. She is responsible for maintaining the Bank’s system of accounting records and a comprehensive set of controls designed to mitigate risk, enhance the accuracy of the company’s reported financial results, and ensure that reported results comply with generally…
First National Bank & Trust’s Project Teddy Bear Donates to Local Emergency Services
Standing from left: Heather Strauss, Caring House; Tanya DalSanto, First National Bank & Trust; Ed Mattson, Iron Mountain Police Department; Julie Olson, Northwoods Air Lifeline; Mike Floriano, Michigan State Police; Scott Rutter, Dickinson County Sheriff’s Department; Brian Adams, Kingsford Public Safety; Teresa Schettler, Dickinson County Healthcare System; Don Koerner, Integrity Care EMS; Mick Gayan, First…
First National Bank & Trust, Main Branch Donates to Salvation Army
Pictured: Jean O’Dette, VP- First National Bank & Trust; Jody Beauchamp, Executive Assistant-First National Bank & Trust; Tara Blagec, Director for the local Salvation Army; Emily LaFleur, Loan Processor-First National Bank & Trust; Diane Blaskowski-Branch Manager- First National Bank & Trust, Kingsford In celebration of their 130th Anniversary, the employees of First National Bank &…